Help with a daily devotional time
Why this is so important:
For all Christians, it’s important to maintain closeness to God. One
good way is to plan into each day an appointment with him. This discipline
should allow you time to reflect on God and on the day’s tasks. You are
stopping to acknowledge his lordship your need of him and your love for him.
If we are always giving out and not receiving, we can become worn out and
feel spiritually bankrupt. The Bible is the best source to hear from God and
this, if reflected on and meditated on, will impact your life and lead to
prayer for yourself and others, as well as to praise and thanksgiving.
a Bible
a notebook
a pen
(and perhaps also a hymn book, a devotional book or booklets, a book of
prayers, Common Worship (or Book of Common Prayer), a journal).
For more on this subject:
Click HERE for advice on getting started.
Click HERE for an example of a structured devotional time.
Click HERE for advice on Bible reading plans.
Click HERE for some useful links.