
Prayer, defined simply, is talking to God. 

Prayer may take many forms. It may praise and adore God, and it may thank him. It may plead with him and confess to him. It may also (as the Apostle Paul states in the 8th chapter of Romans) be a 'groaning' in which words fail us. But usually it entails making some form of request.

What is common to all forms of prayer is communication and communion with God. 

Our times of prayer may include meditating on God and reflecting on him, and include declarative statements, but prayer by definition is always 'directed' - and that direction is towards God. God is always the conscious object of our prayers. 

Prayer may include silent waiting on God, but it is never vacant. If we wait on God in silence, then we are waiting on God, not praying. And if we wait on God in prayer, then we are waiting on God as part of our prayer. What is more, true waiting on God is an expectant looking to God, having expended our words. At those times our whole consciousness is that God is before us.

(Please note: There are a number of prayer meetings in the area which some of our people have or do attend. 'Speak Life' for instance, have a regular prayer meeting. But this page is devoted to those which take place at St Wilfrid's.)

Prayer at St Wilfrid's

At St Wilfrid's general matters for prayer, such as for personal needs and the various missions we support, is encouraged in Home Groups and during Sunday services.

There is also a prayer chain and a prayer team; the latter being available during service times to pray with those seeking such direct ministry.

We encourage all members to create good habits of personal prayer (click HERE for help with a morning devotional time), and there are a number of people who have prayer partners within the church (this can be very helpful and is recommended).

Other times of prayer include Mothers' Prayers which takes place fortnightly.

Prayer Meetings open to all

Weekly Prayer Meetings

These take place on Friday evenings at 7.30 pm. They are open to people attending other churches.

Tuesday Morning Prayer Meetings

This is our early morning prayer gathering. We meet at 6.15 am and people from other churches are welcome to join with us.  

The stated aim of this gathering is to pray for God to send revival to this community, our nation, and the entire world. 

Verse of the day