Sermon Selection

Below is a selection of sermons preached at St Wilfrid's. The preachers are Chris Styles, Richard Herkes and Greg Potter.

The selection is not based on any particular criteria. They are in date order and are arranged in three sections:

  • Gospel Sermons
  • Teaching Sermons
  • Lectures

For Recent Sermons Click HERE.

Gospel Sermons:


Bible Text




 Matthew 4:1-11

 It is Written for you!



 Isaiah 9:1-7

 The Great Light



 Acts 1:1-11

 Gazing at Heaven (The Ascension)



 Matthew 15:21-28

 The Canaanite Woman



 Luke 9:18-22

 Who do they Say I am?



 Luke 8:42-48

 A Touch of Faith



 Luke 15

 Lost and Found



 Mark 10:17-31

 The Rich Young Ruler



 The Gospels

 Four People Changed by the Cross



 Mark 1:40-42

 I Am Willing



 Luke 10:25-37

 The Good Samaritan



 Luke 19:1-10



Teaching Sermons:






 John 20:17

 Don't Cling To Me! (Dependence on Christ means strength)



 Acts 15:1-11

 Conversion, a Heart Matter



 Acts 10:44-11:18

 The Power of Conversion



 1 Peter 5:8-14

 Stand Fast!



 1 Peter 5:1-7

 A Crown of Glory



 1 Peter 2:11-25

 Witness and Vocation



 1 Peter 1:13-2:3

 Redeemed to be Holy



 Job 23:10

 He knows the way I take



 Luke 11:1-39

 Lord, Teach us to Pray



 Romans 8:1-4

 The Spirit who gives Life



 Luke 2:8-20

 Good News



 Isaiah 9:1-7

 The 2 Comings of Christ



 Jonah 3 and 4

 Repentance and Faith: The Gospel to the Nations



 Jonah 2

 The Sign of Jonah



 Jonah 1

  God's Anger Satisfied (Substitutional Atonement)

Errata: Blondin walked in 1859, not 1959.



 Jonah 1:1-6

 Running from God



 2 Corinthians 12:11-13:10

 Apostolic Authority



 Colossians 1:1-14

 Praying for More



 2 Corinthians 6:1-10

 Grace in the Battle



 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

 What Happens When We Die?



 2 Corinthians 2:14-16

 God's Powerful Gospel



 Luke 24:36-49

 See My Hands and Feet (Bodily Resurrection)



 Revelation 1:19-20

 Word and Spirit



 Exodus 33-34

 Moses asks to see God's Glory



 Genesis 15:1-21

 Disturbing Encounters



 Matthew 26:41

 Watch and Pray



 Deuteronomy 18:15

 Jesus is "The Prophet"



 Micah 5:2

 Jesus' Eternal Origins



 Hebrews 10:32-39

 Persevering Faith



 Malachi 1:6-14

 Acceptable Worship



 Malachi 1:1-5

 I have loved you



 John 1:29-34

 Behold The Lamb



 Luke 3:15-18

 Baptism in the Spirit




 Series or Text




 Worship III

 A Living Sacrifice



 Worship II

 A New Song



 Worship I

 Responding to Revelation



 Apologetics IV  

 Is Jesus the Only Way to God?



 Apologetics III

 Why is there so much Suffering in the World?



 Apologetics II

 Can we prove the existence of God?



 Apologetics I

 Would a Loving God send someone to Hell?



 Promises I

 Foundation Promises



 Genesis 4

 Dealing with Anger


Verse of the day